Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm Back

Read my blog if you want to live... OK, OK, I obviously can't help myself at this point and I'll be honest: I was genuinely touched by the outpouring of support and positive words I received in my ostensible last post. I really did appreciate it and I must admit that blogging can be a fun enterprise as long as one does not put too much pressure on one's self to produce, so here's the deal: this blog will remain up and active but I make no promises about either content or frequency. I might post ten times in a day or just as easily let it lie fallow for weeks at a time; I might rant lengthily about how the Senatorial filibuster has paralyzed that deliberative body or I might just post a video of a cute kitten trying not to fall asleep (note: there will be no videos of cute kittens, as an addendum to my long-standing rule banning lolcats). Basically I'm reprioritizing several things right now and while the blog isn't going to the back of the line it has lost some prominence in my everyday life. So that's it. Thanks again to everyone who reads what I write here. I'm gonna get some lunch now.


Anonymous said...

Just as long as we both agree that you will provide me something to read when I wake up every morning and need to kill 2 minutes after checking Woot.

...or maybe I didn't understand the question.

Leslie Parsley said...

You've made my day.

Anonymous said...

Wait, I've thought about this some more. Does this mean that I cannot start my own blog in your comment section anymore, now that the blog is amongst the living again?

JBW said...

If you can attract enough people to the comment section of one post on one insignificant little blog to make it worth your while one L then more power to you, my man.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

During my afternoon devotional Aqua Buddah told me you'd be back.

He also said if I ever go to California and hit you up for a round of golf not to give you more than one a side.

AmPowerBlog said...

Back? BFD. Self-important drug-addled losers get their butts kicked in the 'sphere. Your analysis is shitty, although outsized ego probably gets you credit in the dumbshit depths of the leftosphere. Brains matter. You've fried yours.

JBW said...

I'm still trying just to legitimately break 90 AT101 but if you ever do make it out this way the first round at the 19th hole's on me.

JBW said...

"Back? BFD."

Hey Clown Shoes, good to hear from you! You still being persecuted by communists and liberal conspiracies? Nice. Oh, and I loved the "brains matter" line. Coming from you it's pure gold.

repsac3 said...

Glad to see you back, JBW... Post whenever you feel like it... It's not like it's your life, y'know... We all have our friends and fans (and occasionally gather a new one or two), and they'll come around when there's something to see...

I mean yeah, there are those bloggers who really do matter (and many more who only think they do--See below), but for the vast majority of us, it's a chance to say what's on your mind and share pix and videos you think others might enjoy. (It is cool to get a nice note from someone who enjoyed a post or was glad you spoke up, of course... But I think most of us blog and comment because we have something to say, and the credit and thanks we occasionally get is just icing on the cake.)

Anyway... I'm glad you're back, and I look forward to finding another post worth poaching one day, whenever you happen to get around to writing one...

Donalde, give it up... You can TRY to act like a bully (though why you choose to, I have yet to understand), but everyone here (& at your own blog as well, more'n'likely) knows who and what you really are... ...and aren't.

Be gone, powderpuff.

kasturbian said...


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