Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Something Someone Else Said

"Lately I have been having issues with the term “Founders” or “Founding Fathers” because it’s pretty nebulous and undefined. There’s Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who signed the Declaration of Independence but had no involvement in the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison did a lot of the heavy lifting in drafting the Constitution but neither signed the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense and worked for the Continental Congress but pretty soon became a persona non grata thanks to his religious views. Patrick Henry gave the famous “Liberty or Death” speech but was also one of the most articulate voices against adopting the Constitution. Which of these are “Founders”? All of them? None?

Even if we accept all of these men as “Founding Fathers” (which I think most would), to say that they disagreed on fundamental political principles is the height of understatement. And an attempt to put together the varying strains of conservative thought under the same “Founders” rubric is overly simplistic and misguided," -Alex Knapp, Outside the Beltway.

I think the Founding Fathers would have agreed with this...


Leslie Parsley said...

All we have to do to learn what the Founding Fathers really thought is to listen to Bachmann. Right.

JBW said...

Did you see her eyes during her SOTU response, Leslie? The woman has a definite Stepford quality about her; check 'em out.

Beekeepers Apprentice said...

Her eyes can be explained with one word...ok, 3: too. much. botox.

I heard the stupidism of the week from her was that the founding fathers fought hard to end slavery.


Sorry, had to hit the litterbox before I peed myself laughing. She's even better than Palin, in many ways, for a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

You mean, people have always disagreed over politics?

I thought that was a modern-day thing. Huh. Learn something new all the time (not every day - I don't really pay that close of attention).

TOM said...

The idea of compromise in modern politics seems to be missing, which is funny considering the similarities between the Democratic and Republican parties.

Can you imagine compromising on slavery to preserve unity?

In the face of their good words most founding fathers would agree that women should note have a right to vote, or own property. Even the founders against slavery would not allow blacks to vote, nor consider them equal to whites.

They had a sense of being a progressive, better society and government, which is why the Constitution has an amendment process.

I'm sure they hoped future Americans would do better for their people and build an inclusive society and government.

Nance said...

Oh, geez, now you've done it. You've gone and confused the jingoistic, jargonizing right with facts. They hate that.

Anonymous said...

I find it difficult to believe that you haven't found something blog-worthy in this gov't shutdown.

Jolly Roger said...

Now my head hurts. Thanks a lot...

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

And you're well aware the stanky BO supports the ghastliness of abortion, as he's controlled like a puppet from above by the billionaires who wanna see the NWO implemented, don't you? 'Nuff sed. God bless you. PMS DOES NOT matter if you as a mortal don’t believe - totally irrelevant; we all are gonna croak someday. Thus, your indelible soul? Totally up4grabs by the LIAR - God‘s left the building cuzza people like you; however, I refuse to split, I’m stick’n around like flies-on-deadly-paper. I say this to the masses of humanity: God only gives bawls to those who see the need for humility. God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

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bjkeefe said...

Man, that LOLnut is FTW.

And why have you stopped blogging, anyway?

BB-Idaho said...

If anything, the Founders were sons of the Enlightenment. The religious right has yet to come to grips with that.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Nevertheless, there shall come a time when the whole-wide-world will get a wake-up-call sent by God called the Warning. Fine if you don't believe me, yet, I know DATS DA FAK, JAK. And worshipping the smelly BO as our puppet 'prez' who does abortion and homoism is WRONG-O. God will have sumtin to say about that, dude. What can you do in the final years to turn your lifelong demise around? Glad you asked. Go to your local Catholic choich and see what RCIA is. Sign-up (they started already but Jesus wants more - no, not about the moolah, God just wants 2CU happy). God bless you. _thewarningsecondcoming.com_

bjkeefe said...

@Dr. Kold:

Why is it that people like you have so much trouble dealing with the reality that people might, just might, be perfectly happy without sharing every last one of your beliefs?

For all you know (and, of course, you don't), God might be perfectly fine with people who don't find compelling evidence of His existence. My own feeling is that if God, as you define him, does exist, he actually does not care that some of His creations wait until the next world to come to grips with their Creator. In fact, it's hard to imagine an entity powerful enough to create the universe, and to exist outside of space and time, who would care about such things.

Be careful not to confuse what God wants with what petty tyrants of this world tell you God wants. If you look hard enough, such people are always driven by their own agenda.

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