Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mormons Love Their Internet Porn

This is interesting although hardly surprising:

Saturday night in downtown Salt Lake City and many people are talking about porn in Utah. David Clark Jr. of Provo said, ‘I believe that since this is the true church Satan works harder on members.’

Elder Richard G. Scott at General Conference Saturday spoke similar words about pornography. Scott said,’ This potent tool of Lucifer degrades the mind and heart and soul of any who use it.’

Some say people in Utah are vieweing porn more than any other state in the country after a study earlier this year by a Harvard economics professor. Professor Benjamin Edelman tracked subscriptions to online porn sites. He discovered that Utah is number one in the nation in online porn.

Apparently God can't see you when you're surfing the Net alone in your own home. So as I see it there are two explanations for this behavior: 1) There is a supernatural fallen angel who's been trying to take down the Mormon religion with pornography since it was created a century and a half ago, or 2) Human beings are intrinsically sexual creatures and most efforts by religious organizations to dampen this natural sex drive will eventually fail, regardless of what kind of underwear those people are forced to wear. Just saying...



JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I agree with your post 100% JBW. I do think you needed more pictures of Mormans in their undies to give it more impact though. (Morman chicks I mean.)

JBW said...

Agreed, T101. She's damn sexy in that getup, ain't she?

Eclectic Radical said...

I just can't think of the best possible internet acronym for hysterical laughter after reading this.

Great post and so on point.

one L bill said...

I don't think the religious organizations are trying to dampen sex drives. If that's what you think the big deal is about, you're missing it.

JBW said...

I'm fully open to the possibility that I'm missing what religious organizations are trying to make the "big deal" about, one L. I'm just relating what I've observed in my limited dealings with said organizations.

I like sex, and pornography, and I like to think that I have a healthy relationship with both but several religious organizations that I'm fairly familiar with claim that one or both of these things are bad for the human condition and I feel compelled to take exception to those claims.

If I've somehow misread these various takes on these subjects I'll obviously restate my positions as they apply but I'm fairly certain that most religious organizations have some pretty big hangups as they apply to the subjects at hand.