I was reading about this story on my iPhone yesterday and I thought that this was totally Photoshopped but it's actually real:
This sinkhole appeared yesterday, May 30, in a street intersection located in Zone 2 of Ciudad de Guatemala.Some people are calling it the Gate to Hell. I think it looks more like it was carved out by a space-based laser, a la Alien vs Predator.
A sinkhole is a natural depression caused by the removal of underground soil by water. This process can happen slowly, but sometimes the land just cracks open. In this case, it happened suddenly. The cause: Massive underground water torrents created by tropical storm Agatha.
Let's see a structural engineer design for that one.
Way to subtlely name-drop your phone.
Something tells me that Guatemala doesn't have the strictest of building codes, one L.
And it's all about working it into the conversation. That's what Vince Neil told me when I met him the other night...
one L. Now you can say you have talked to someone that has talked to Vince Neil.
If I've learned anything here, it's that I would say, "...so Vince Neil told my buddy that..." as opposed to just making an exclamation.
Just don't bring up the guy from Hanoi Rocks, one L. Awkwa-a-a-ard...
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