Regular readers may remember this video for Miles Fisher's Talking Heads cover in which he expertly apes Christian Bale's unhinged performance in American Psycho, as well as this video of Fisher doing an uncanny impression of Tom Cruise from Superhero Movie courtesy of reader one L
bil bill. Now comes this revelation from director Mary Harron:
How did you and Christian Bale develop his character in American Psycho?Telling, no? I like a lot of Cruise's movies but he's obviously a certified nutcase, although I'm sure some of that perception comes from the baffling American mindset that belief in aliens is crazy while belief in talking snakes and walking on water is completely plausible. It's all improbable magic to me, of course.
It was definitely a process. We talked a lot, but he was in L.A. and I was in New York. We didn’t actually meet in person a lot, just talked on the phone. We talked about how Martian-like Patrick Bateman was, how he was looking at the world like somebody from another planet, watching what people did and trying to work out the right way to behave. And then one day he called me and he had been watching Tom Cruise on David Letterman, and he just had this very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes, and he was really taken with this energy.
I don't think Cruise is crazy so much as a very ordinary little guy who woke up one day as a movie star, and needs it all to mean something other than marketing, litigious image control and simple serendipity.
For some reason, to me he always looks afraid. Might be my imagination.
For the record, my name is on "one L bill"... not "one L bil", which would be redundant.
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