Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Worthlessness Of Pennies

I've written before that I think pennies are an anachronism and should be phased out of our society but this guy makes a much more compelling argument:

I had no idea that nickles were also so useless. Societal stupidity like this really annoys me.



AmPowerBlog said...

Still hungover, I see. Maybe this will wake you up a bit: 'It's Come to This: Progressives Reduced to Racist Slurs Against American Power'.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Now that I'm an ayatollah I to have endured unceasing taunts from bigots and Islamophobic cretins Professor Douglas.

Well, actually I haven't. Traffic's been pretty good at Truth 101 since I installed myself as Ayatollah. I'm thinking of sticking with this for a while if for nothing else I have to use Paintshop cause I don't have Photoshop and it's a pain in the ass creating stuuf with Paintshop.

A picture says a thousand words.

Oh yeah. Your post. Pennies suck. Get rid of them.

Kevin Robbins said...

I would miss the penny and nickel, but what he says makes sense. Get rid of them. Why not get rid of currency altogether and just use debit and credit cards? Paychecks and the like can be direct deposited. I pay as many bills as possible online now anyway. This all said, I still bend over to pick up pennies.

OT JBW, but do you have any problem with Japanospammers, blog whores, bed bugs or any other disgusting creatures here.

Oh, Hi Don!

Anonymous said...

I'm fine with nixing these, but how would we make correct change without them? I know you've said in the past that your opposed to an all-electronic system...

shansmith said...

How would I get my stretched pennies if you eliminated the penny?

JBW said...

Although your link is off-topic for the post you whored it on Don I'll make an exception this once and address your post so no one else has to read it: someone left an anonymous racist comment about you so you've conflated it with everyone who's left of you politically. Oh, and you still claim that I called you a monkey (back when I thought you were Hispanic).

Wow. Revelatory. Incidentally, not wasting anymore time on your perpetual victim hood and whining is another of the revelations. I'll contact you in 2012 to collect my $100.

JBW said...

So it seems folks are about 50/50 on the pennies; fair enough. I just think they're relatively useless for this day and age, one L. If one is worried about their correct change being short 2 or 3 pennies then perhaps they need to reexamine their life choices up to that point. Superman 2 was a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Every 3 cents adds up to $50 eventually, Chief... and it adds up a lot quicker if you're the retailer benefiting from it.

JBW said...

I hear you one L but I still can't get by the stupidity of producing money that costs more to make than it's worth. How large would that disparity have to become for you to let go?

Anonymous said...

No, I agree completely about the stupidity involved in penny and nickel manufacturing... but rather than donate money when things don't come out even - assuming price structure reform is off the table - I would like to see them find a cheaper alternative. The guy in the video mentions steel. Maybe that works, I don't know.

But then, I'm also on record as saying it should all be digital anyway. So the question isn't about me. It's about when YOU are going to be ready to let go. Why are you so concerned about Visa/Uncle Sam having a paper trail on you?

JBW said...

I think Visa/Uncle Sam already know too much about me, one L. Absent a much, much more imminent and direct threat from terrorism I see no reason to abdicate even more of my privacy to the state.