Monday, January 5, 2009

My Daily Indulgence

I listen to a fair amount of right wing political talk radio but I've never actually called in to debate with one of the hosts because one thing I've discovered about most of these guys is that they use their show like a bully pulpit: the caller is always at a disadvantage since the host can mute their voice whenever they want to talk over them. I guess that's why I find this video of a religious public access TV show host who can't hang up on his caller so entertaining.

The caller (who is obviously no genius) first asks the host (who looks surprisingly like a young Howard Hesseman without facial hair) if Jesus was gay and when he realizes that he can't be hung up on becomes hysterical, holding the host as a rhetorical hostage to his buffoonery by playing music and cursing like a sailor. Then the host actually goes the Bill O'Reilly route and threatens the guy with police action if he doesn't cease and desist. All that's missing are the repeated cries of "Baba Booey! Baba Booey!":


Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Grace: you are fast becoming one of my favorite comediennes. Facism is whatever anyone wants to think it is now because nobody really remembers what it was other than Hitler was a fascist; therefore an evil prick. So here's what we got in the most powerful vice president in history. An draft dodging asshole that wraps himself in the flag, bows his head in humble pennance as his puppet president says grace, all the while having attended an actual church ceremony perhaps four times in his life. He demands submission from subordinates and squelches free speech through denying access to government records that by all means should be public. He cuckolds himself to the NRA, expousing their love of freedom from government tyranny and regulation, while having government agencies spy on whomever they feel like spying on. One of their victims was none other than former British PM Tony Blair. Guess Cheney wanted to know his tea and crumpet recipe.

Open your eyes Grace.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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