Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Featured Again On American Power

My esteemed colleague Donald Douglas over at American Power has once again included me in one of his posts, "Gender Difference and Gay Marriage". It's just a back and forth I had with one of his conservative commenters on the morals and feasibility of gay marriage and while I think he misses the point I was trying to make I'm flattered nonetheless.

I'm not going to reproduce the text here but you can head over there to check it out if you so choose. Fair warning: you may encounter some ignorance and prejudice in some of the comment sections, as evidenced by some of the recent spillover we've seen here lately (and I myself did leave a rather long one on this post), so proceed at your own risk. Wow, that last sentence really makes it sound like I farted on his site, huh? No offense, Don.


Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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AmPowerBlog said...

Actually, JBW, I just shared the exchange at my post without comment. You're always very civil in debate.

JBW said...

As are you for the most part, Don; my remarks about uncivil debate were made towards some of your regular commenters.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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JBW said...

Grace, although I'm not denying that I can be sexist at times my comment was made in response to your accusation of sexism after I said something negative yet non-gender specific about a woman (Clinton or Palin, I can't remember).

It was to make the point that your accusation was unwarranted and that if I was going to be accused of such that I might as well say something to deserve it. You made light of it in your attempt at an insulting response here but I don't think you understood what I was trying to convey.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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JBW said...

Grace, as I've said numerous times: I think Sarah Palin is a babe and a half (I have an affinity for attractive women in glasses) but I also think she is unapologetically simplistic and wholly incurious. She's another George W. Bush.

Now, what I just said about her in relation to her femininity was completely positive, while everything I said gender neutrally was totally negative. See the difference? I rarely take cheap shots or low blows because if I'm going to insult someone, there are usually very good and relevant reasons for me to do so. Oh, and I never make excuses for anything I write unless copious amounts of alcohol were involved.

I take your Miller comparison as a definite compliment; as I've said before, I was a huge fan before he went all neocon after 9/11 and I still think he's a quick wit, we just disagree on a lot more now. And you're funny too, sometimes less "ha-ha funny" and more "does this milk smell funny?" but amusing nonetheless. You keep setting them up and I'll keep knocking them out.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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Anonymous said...

Grace, I've smirked (at you, not with you) reading your various posts, but this most recent diatribe stuck in my craw. Alaska is not that complex? Land more than 2X Texas (sorry JBW). Numerous native cultures. Vast natural resources that must be balanced with protecting the environment. State budgets highly dependent upon variables outside state gov't control (oil price and fed gov't). Putting up with Palin. I could go on. Is it the same job former Mr. Universe has? No? Is it simple? Again, no. Don't assume a state resembles its politicians. That would make Utah gay, which I'm sure you wouldn't like.

While I'm not really on the topic, I think your analysis of Palin is a good bit off. I'll give you that she's driven, but to think she has a lot going on behind those librarian glasses other than blind ambition is wrong. While preparation is important, so is having a depth of thought that she can't muster. Muster? Can I get a Gig 'em? But I digress...

JBW said...

Yeah, I figured you might have something to say about that remark, pal. Oh, and GIG 'EM, motherfucker!

But those librarian glasses. Damn...

Anonymous said...

Utah, Idaho. Same thing.

JBW said...

Gay Mormons, gay potatoes: it's all good.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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Van Zan said...


Putin would eat Palin alive and spit out her bones on the diplomatic carpet.

Putin was KGB and leader of Russia, one of the most hard-assed and unforgiving political climates there is.

None of Palin's third place Miss Alaska and witchcraft-proof charms would be of any use in a conversation with him. Or Medvedev who is actually president now.

That's even assuming they're not talking about Africa.

By the way… John McCain was the republican candidate for president. Palin just thought she was.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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Anonymous said...

Palin balanaced a budget largely based on oil prices when oil was well north of $100/barrel. Freaking amazing. Her budgetary "prowess" will finally be tested with lower oil prices. Got rid of corruption? The FBI did that, just ask the former state pols who are in various prisons. Do we need to talk Troopergate? How about flying her kids around to gov't stuff on taxpayer money. Finally, polar bears? Really? This makes her a good governor (even if your facts about the polar ice cap were correct)? Really? I mean, really?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Let me straighten you out about Reagann and then you may understand a bit why I am a hawkish lib. Reagan was a panzy concerning Iran. Reagan had the opportunity to bomb the shit out of Iran after the hostages were returned and did nothing. Not long after that he and his buddy Ollie North are trading arms with these assholes. But Reagan did order the invasion of the mighty GRENADA. And Iran is fucking with us to this day.

Anonymous said...

T101, the reason the hostages were released was due to deals between the Reagan team and the Iranians prior to the election of 1980.

There was no reason to bomb them because we had a proxy in Saddam Hussein who was willing to go to war against them for 8 years while we played both sides against the middle.

The invasion of Grenada was a wag the dog ploy to distract from the 247 Marines killed in the Lebanon bombing.

I give Reagan credit for surrounding himself with enough realists to keep the neocon idiots at bay, tho. They knew enough not to get too closely involved in the wars of the Middle East. He looks really good in retrospect.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Reagan knew how to pick his friends DLB. I still stand by what I said. I believe America's enemies should be shot with American bullets.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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