Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Something Someone Else Said

"Comrade Steele dutifully apologizes to the Great Leader and offers his regrets to his fellow comrades in the movement. Re-education camp will follow shortly. This climb-down marks the end of establishment Republican resistance to the Poujadist pontificator. It's Rush's party now. So why shouldn't he run for president in 2012? Make Palin his veep - and be done with it." -Andrew Sullivan, The Dail Dish

This blog has been calling for a Palin-Limbaugh ticket for months now. I had put Palin at the top of the ticket because she's actually a politician rather than just an entertainer but to be honest Limbaugh is definitely the smarter and more politically savvy of the two (plus I don't think his chauvinistic ego would allow him to run under a woman) so I may have to get a new banner. Either way it turned out though I think President Obama would easily secure reelection running against this ticket provided his economic policies helped turn the country around, and that's still a pretty big if at this point.

[Update: It seems that the Republicans have streamlined the apologizing to Limbaugh process.]


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

No woman in her right mind would allow Rush Limbaugh on top.

JBW said...

Because it would result in a crushing defeat? Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week, and don't forget to tip your waitress.

AmPowerBlog said...

Breast blogging over at my place, if you're interested!

No dumb questions this time ...

P.S. Palin, no Limbaugh, in 2012.

JBW said...

There are no dumb questions Don, just dumb bloggers...

And a 2012 Palin ticket without Limbaugh is like an ass without a hole: it looks nice but where will the shit come from?

JBW said...

Now that I think about it, I'm going to have that last comment made into a bumper sticker. It's pithy.

Van Zan said...

Oh goody... boobs on the internet. Why didn't anyone think of that before?

For a sample of many a right wing twit's wet dream, check out:


click on various parts of the screen for examples of Palin's astonishing worldview.

JBW said...

Been there, done her, VZ. Thanks just the same though.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I will accept your invitation when you issue your long overdue apology Professor Douglas. Good day sir!

JBW said...

T101, I'm of the opinion that you maybe should just exhale cause I just don't see that happening. Do you?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're the one Donald has the man crush on. I figured you could use your influence to get him to do the right thing JBW.

JBW said...

I've been talking shit to Don over at his site and he's ignoring me, per his usual shtick when he's wrong or has said something dumb. I think you overestimate my pull, T101.

Anonymous said...

Hi. My name's David Todd Kessler. I supported Rush Limbaugh before I fell in love with Sarah Palin. Either is proof of a grand creator. Their teaming up is perhaps a little of God's Kingdom laughing at His enemies. I know they belong to Jesus because most of the comments here in this blog are from Satan. So, blogggggers, do you really want to be used by Satan? Why not bless Rush and bless Sarah? Why all the hate? God bless you, also. He does even when we don't ask. Our God is a mighty God, indeed.

JBW said...

David, your god is indeed a mighty god, and by mighty I mean I smell a huge load of bullshit. I doubt that most of the comments in this blog are from Satan because I'm pretty sure he's as made up as your god (or as Palin's chances for national election in 2012, or as Limbaugh's chances of consensual sexual intercourse without money as a motivating factor).

Since you've chosen not to share your Blogger profile it's hard for me to tell just how potentially crazy you might be but the little you've said so far is enough to make me feel comfortable in ridiculing you. Good luck in 2012, your god knows you'll need it.

JBW said...

Ah, David's story is starting to become a bit more clear:

"Dear Liberals: You're sowing the seeds of a monarchy, destroying freedom fueled by your hate of anyone who does not think like you or chooses to invest instead of smoking your dope. However, congratulations on picking up Bill O'Riley among your ranks. Palin'/'Rush, '012

Posted by: David Todd Kessler | April 1, 2009 2:41 PM "

I like this one better though:

"David Todd Kessler — September 22, 2008

psst: Hey Damon: Based on creation theory, we might even find some today, since they are intelligently designed. Also, based on freedom of religion, she can believe what she wants and I'll vote for her with a smile knowing she believes in God and not that we're from monkeys. I like a site called answersingenesis.org."

David, was it your religious or political views that made things go South with Deborah Lynn?

Anonymous said...

geeeee, poking a little fun here, was it you JBW, who left the last comment, or? Yeah, I'll let you infer what I mean there... and yes, Palin/Limbaugh ticket comming right up-- You shall see

JBW said...

Anonymous, you personify everything I've come to expect from a commenter who leaves cryptic comments without signing their name. Glad you enjoy Brain Rage!

Anonymous said...

It takes a liberal

Anonymous said...

However, we're called to love the person... JBW, how do you respond to the fact that Jesus loves you personally?

JBW said...

I've never met Jesus Anonymous, and I wasn't looking over my shoulder the last time I walked on a beach so I can't say for sure how true this "fact" you claim really is.

Of course, it did occur to me that you might be Jesus and that your question is one of those tests God likes to use to fuck with us mortals (I don't have a first born son but I am willing to consider sacrificing someone else's child to appease you).

But then I realized that a
supreme being with unlimited power and knowledge would surely be able to figure out how to create a Blogger user account so I'm assuming that you're merely a fellow mortal like myself who would also have no way of acquiring special knowledge about what a supreme being thinks or believes on the highly improbable chance that being even exists in the first place, which I doubt.

But to answer your question: I'm totally cool with Jesus loving me if He exists (he was a liberal too, you know) and I'd definitely crack a few of my finer bottles of wine with Him provided He'd be willing to use His magic powers to make us some more when we ran out.

I have no objections to your supposed savior Anonymous, just to the people who use religion to control how the rest of us live our lives. If He existed, Jesus sounded like a pretty good guy. Many of the leaders of the Christian church and the others who've done horrible things in His name, not so much.

JBW said...

Wait a minute... David Todd Kessler, is that you? It took you a whole month to come up with that? You do realize that Satan has been using me this whole time you haven't been saving my soul, don't you? Why hast thou forsaken me, Dave?

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Brother. Jesus was not too keen on religion either, so you're in good company and you've exalted His Name. There is none good but one...

Matthew , Chapter 19
19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. ...

so, therefore, you've labelled me properly as a "hypocrite":)

However, what about this business of people using false religions to oppress U.S. such as the fable of global warming, G8 falsehoods, and the like, aristocrats running around as false messiahs. As you've said, there's only one. Did I infer correctly?

You're so much like Paul, who once was Saul. Have you considered that Jesus wants to use YOU? I strongly assert that HE does and probably smiles on your strong convictions. Do not be led astray by the world, but let the one who desires to fill our hearts take the lead. Would you consider a read, sir? Romans 10, the whole chapter, not just 10:9. It is a hoot communicating on here, isn't it? You blogger friend, David Todd Kessler

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

JBW: I may well be the only admitted Christian that frequents your site. But if you start in on me with that soul saving stuff I'm outta here.

JBW said...

DTK (wow, it makes you sound like a serial killer when I use your initials like that, huh?), I can't speak to your religiously inspired global warming conspiracy theories but I can say that I don't foresee any "Road to Damascus" conversion moments in my immediate future.

I'm not sure what you think I inferred before but the only One I know was played by Keanu Reeves and knew kung-fu. And if Jesus wants to use me he's going to need a golden fiddle at least as sweet as Satan's to get my business.

I read Romans 10 just to see where you're coming from and it was the classic boilerplate I've come to expect from Christianity, and if I was going to embrace religious or spiritual beliefs (I've attempted to in the past) I'm sure I would turn more to the Eastern philosophies if any, which again I doubt.

You seem like a decent if slightly misguided fellow. I may have been a bit harsh in my characterization of you based on your comments on other sites, and I apologize for the remarks about your marriage. Take care.

JBW said...

I have several friends and family members who are also Christians reading my stuff T101, so you're in good, wholesome company. And I don't believe in saving souls anymore than I believe in catching ghosts with particle accelerator backpacks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Matthew 9:2-8

2(A)And they brought to Him a (B)paralytic lying on a bed Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, "(C)Take courage, son; (D)your sins are forgiven."

3And some of the scribes said to themselves, "This fellow (E)blasphemes."

4And Jesus (F)knowing their thoughts said, "Why are you thinking evil in your hearts?

5"Which is easier, to say, '(G)Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, and walk'?

6"But so that you may know that (H)the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"--then He said to the (I)paralytic, "Get up, pick up your bed and go home."

7And he got up and went home.

8But when the crowds saw this, they were awestruck, and (J)glorified God, who had given such authority to men.


JBW said...

"Jesus is magic, because he turned water into wine. I think he made the Statue of Liberty disappear in the 80's or something."-Sarah Silverman

And while this has always been an unstated rule at Brain Rage thus far I now feel compelled to state it quite plainly: This blog never has and never will allow any depictions of, nor any quotes from, Lolcats. Ever.

In the spirit of civility expressed in that last comment I'll leave the lol-link up just this once as a warning to all possible future transgressors.

Let's try to maintain some semblance of dignity around here, people.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

One does not have to be a blind and deluded fool to embrace Christianity. But being blind and deluded does make for a good republican. I guess that's why so many of them are "good" Christians.

And don't worry JBW. Us Catholics believe good works plays a role in your ultimate salvation. I too would question the justice of sending a good man with doubts to burn in Hell with the likes of Hitler and George W. Bush.

JBW said...

Well thank God for that T101 because I hate the heat. I can't imagine anything worse than an eternity of swamp-ass.