Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Here's hoping everyone finds all of the magical bloody Jesus eggs you're hunting for this year. Mmm, sacrilicious.

[Update: Donald Douglas of American Power doesn't care for my Easter picture. I respond thusly.]


Leslie Parsley said...

Oh, oh. Happy Easter to you, too.

Serr8d said...


And happy Easter to you as well, you shit-for-brains sucker of cock.


Stogie said...

You sick bastard.

Doug"e" said...

Damn you JBW! Keep posting blasphemous stuff like that and mark my words you'll go straight to CNN...

JBW said...

Thanks for all of the happy Easter wishes everyone, especially you Serr8d and Stogie. It's intelligent feedback from commenters like yourselves that make blogging so much fun.

Serr8d said...

You're not doing this for fun, JBW; you're doing this to splatter hatred and spitefulness at your parents.

I don't care that you are atheist or that you hate the idea of a Christ or a God or that you have disrespect for the holiest day of the year, one that's celebrated by millions and millions of women and children and men worldwide; you've gone past mere atheism with this post. What was it with your upbringing and and your associations that has made it OK in your mind to drag children into your overarching hatred by posting a graphic of an 'Easter Bunny' shitting bloody little Christs?

Your parents must've tortured you whilst you were growing up, for you to turn out so twisted. Or maybe not. But it seems that all that you are in the here-and-now is exemplified by this post: you are but a tiny remnant and broken shell-pieces-fragments of what your parents wished for you, and what they hoped you might have been.

Oh, and cheers~!

JBW said...

I'm doing this for fun, Serr8d. I don't hate the idea of a Christ or a God, I just don't believe in either of them or any other supposedly magical beings that millions and millions of women and children and men worldwide believe in.

And "won't someone please think of the children!" I think I've heard this particular refrain before. Please explain to me how making fun of religion and American culture, even culture aimed at children, in any way drags said children into what you refer to as my overarching hatred. My post neither mentions nor depicts minors of any age.

I'm willing to bet that you (and I know Don) didn't give two shits when Muslims went crazy over those Danish Mohammad cartoons a few years back, even though you sound just like them in your condemnation of me for freely expressing myself on my own website. I'll say this to you and anyone else who feels the same: if you don't like what I write then don't read it. Or even better, come here and tell me in the comments why you don't and I'll engage you in a discussion as I am now doing.

But when you invoke children as an excuse to condemn me for said free expression or even more futilely, try to psychoanalyze someone whom you've never met by bringing their family members into the discussion, you're revealing your own inate prejudices and short comings.

And for the record, Easter and Christmas were merely the days we colored eggs, ate chocolate, gave each other presents and watched football at my house when I was a kid. My parents didn't attempt to brainwash me into believing what they believe by weekly indoctrination rituals. They taught me to think for myself, critically analyze what other people purport to call "truth" and decide for myself what I believe about the universe. I only lament that more people aren't given the same choice by their own parents.

It sounds cliched but I would fight and die for your and every other American's right to believe and say whatever you want about religion and anything else under the sun; all I ask is that you provide me the same courtesy.

Cheers, and happy Easter to you.

Serr8d said...

Naaah, I still think you're doing it as an outrage! attack aimed at your own childhood. Would your parents have allowed you to show that to them on any given Easter morning? If they are still alive, have they seen it yet?

Why did you choose a cartoon depicting Easter eggs, and an Easter rabbit, on Easter Sunday, if you aren't thinking of your own (unpleasant?) Easter experiences? That sort of thing doesn't bubble up without reason. Your choice, that you made, is purposely aimed at what kids (and their parents, even yours you say) do...and did on a lazy Easter Sunday. Even Obama carries on with a traditional White House Easter Egg Roll (at least I think he still does that, did he ?). I personally think the cartoon could be improved with having BHO shit bloody golden eggs, to help bring down his monstrous deficit. But not something I'd post on an Easter morning.

Obama's recent raping of the Statue of Liberty: now there's a cartoon for you. At lest kids could take a look at that and not immediately understand and relate.

See you 'round the net... )

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I would have been here earlier but church went long and I had to get my four hours of internet porn before going through the bloglist JBW.

Why's the Jesus freak mad over a few bloody eggs? I had crucified Welsh Rabbit Pie with exDLB and Repsac's family.

I thought the post was well in keeping with the day.

Anonymous said...

I'm one for shock value, but I think this one does cross some kind of line... It's hard to quantify why, but it does feel more hateful than fun.

repsac3 said...

Naaah, I still think you're doing it as an outrage! attack aimed at your own childhood.

You're welcome to believe whatever you wish, including this internet-based Fristian diagnosis (only without the pretense of even having that pesky MD affixed to the name), but your believing it doesn't make it so...

Would your parents have allowed you to show that to them on any given Easter morning?

Would your parents--or for that matter, your priest, or the poor, innocent children--appreciate and approve of such unique Easter wishes as "And happy Easter to you as well, you shit-for-brains sucker of cock."? While I'm all for showing respect to earlier generations and modeling appropriate behavior to the next, I'm not so sure that choosing all we say/do based on the possible reaction of the parents and/or the kids would be a good idea... ...though you're welcome to run your own life by those precipts if you so choose...

I personally think the cartoon could be improved with having BHO shit bloody golden eggs, to help bring down his monstrous deficit. But not something I'd post on an Easter morning.

Though oddly enough, that's exactly what you did, albeit verbally, rather than graphically... When it comes right down to it, you fail to live up to your own holier-than-thou beliefs about the sanctity of Easter morning, which kinda puts your whole outrage!! tirade into question...

Obama's recent raping of the Statue of Liberty: now there's a cartoon for you. At lest kids could take a look at that and not immediately understand and relate.

So is this what your faux outrage!! is based on, then...? The ability of the children to comprehend the meaning of the cartoon? Because just at the outset, I'm pretty sure that even they would be able to tell the difference between shitting an egg and laying one, much like a chicken would, which might mitigate the bad feelings you're guessing they'd experience on seeing JBW's cartoon?

(And by the by, are you really suggesting that a cartoon depicting a post rape scene is appropriate for children, on the grounds that they won't grasp it's full meaning? That's a pretty sick sense of family values you have there, serr8ed... Just the same, I hope your kids (& parents, and pastor) had a cock-suckin' Easter--just in keeping with your odd resurrection day traditions, y'understand...)

JBW said...

Thanks T101, I hope you and your family had a good Easter.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment one L, but since this is merely a difference of opinions I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong. There's been too much of that around here today. Hope you and Shannon had a good Easter.

Thanks as always for the back up fisking, Reppy. I was writing up a response but it started getting way too long and I'm just too busy with other things to finish it tonight. Perhaps I'll use some of it when Don launches his next salvo tomorrow. Hope you had a good Easter, amigo.

repsac3 said...

What? No further replies from the "Jesus says Happy Easter, cocksucker, and told me for true and certain that only chickens and the snakes on Gadsden flags shit eggs, I'm-more-saved-than-thou" crowd?

I'm shocked and amazed... or perhaps not so much.

Unknown said...

I'm not a Christian, but I am pretty confused by this. From what I can gather, the intellectual argument of neo-socialists (or the left in general) is to call each other "shit-for-brains", and to mock a religion with clearly inflammatory imagery? I have to say, you are clearly your worst enemy. Good luck with that!

JBW said...

Hmm, you are confused, Jack. The intellectual argument of the left in general is to call anyone who qualifies as such "shit-for-brains" and (this is just my thing) to mock every religion with clearly inflammatory imagery.

And if I'm anyone's worst enemy it would be my heart and liver (the latter of which I'm attacking quite brutally even as I write this). Thanks for the luck, although I obviously don't believe in the concept of such.

JB WeBB said...

I caught this late, but if we suspend anyone's right to express their thoughts and beliefs, we are no longer in America.
Also, I was raised in a very strict religion ,that did not celebrate holidays, so to a degree, without the gross pictures, JB is right... Easter eggs and the Easter bunny have actually no part of the rise of Christ, they are actually pagan rituals that became laced into our culture, but performing an activity that actually has no bearing on celebrating the miracle of the resurrection, so i think why people get all upset, is that truth actually hurts, shame on Santa clause and the Easter bunny for taking any glory away from our savior who rose on the third day, oh also shame on all the business who make money from the blood of Christ, this graphic does a good job of shaking things up regarding how off point we are as a nation, when we actually get upset about a stupid blog, and we still are not spreading the gospel, as we are commended to do, as Jesus said Matt 10:22 And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endures to the end shall be saved.

So seems like all the Christians really are doing well at practicing hatred, good luck with that.