In the grand and storied tradition of drawing the vehement ire of addled right-wing bloggers, be they young hotties, lipless newspapermen or shyster law profs, it seems that I've now drawn the same from a short, middle-aged, petulant community college poli-sci prof (with all due respect, of course). I am speaking of course about my oft referenced, and just as often mocked, conservative counterpart Don Douglas of American Power. Give it up, ya'll: He really tries hard, and it's extremely cute when he does so.
As regular readers may remember, I wrote a post yesterday entitled "American Power And Trig Palin "Ghoulshopping"" in response to Don's own post "Democratic Values! Left-Wing Alaska Operative 'Ghoulshops' Trig Palin!". Before writing the post I left a comment on Don's blog about his post but then decided to write my own in response, so I deleted my comment and left a link in his comment section, inadvertently making me an apparent "freaking hypocrite". Expound at fairly great length, you ask? Well, OK...
You see, Don had on more than one occasion left links to himself in the comment sections of my site that had absolutely nothing to do with their respective posts. I politely asked him to cease the practice after the first time he transgressed and even left his link up as a show of my benign benevolence and blogger solidarity. He returned the favor by committing the aforementioned verboten act a second time, for which I deleted his link and then emailed him the following:
I warned you once before Don when you shamelessly linked some post about your skateboarding youth on a completely unrelated comment thread at my site. I left that link up and made it clear that I would delete any future comments not at least tangentially relevant to their posts...The reason I post this admittedly dated email now is because it was quoted back to me today by Don as proof of my own apparently blatant hypocrisy in linking to myself at his site:
When I come to your site and promote my own posts on completely unrelated ones that you've written then feel free to talk shit to me. Until then, I'll keep my own council on the flexibility of MY posting rules at MY site.
Yadda, yadda, yadda. Now I've never actually looked up the definition of the word "hypocrite" in the dictionary because it's a pretty frequently used word within the English lexicon, so I was a bit confused as to why Don now claimed that it applied to myself in this situation. So I replied thusly:Looks like I've gotten under your skin a bit, James.
Hey, that's cool, but just so you know, you're a freaking hypocrite:
You wrote ...
You've not gotten under my skin one wit, Don. I just like pointing out your inanities for sport.Now I've also never looked up the phrase "hoist me on my own petard" but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't mean "go apeshit crazy whilst accusing me of being gay". Oh, have I forgotten to mention that Don did indeed attempt to do exactly as I suggested? No? Well, prepare yourselves for a literary treat as you absorb the fairly inane yet highly entertaining ramblings contained within "James Webb, Atheist Hypocrite, Loves teh Gays" (I'm pretty sure that Don is wholly ignorant of the comedic irony of an individual such as himself using the Internet slang term "teh gays" but I'd hate to ruin his good time by pointing it out here).
And I know it's cool but let me recap this supposed hypocrisy for you: I gave you shit for posting links to completely UNRELATED topics on posts at my site. My links today are to a post ABOUT YOUR POST that I left the links on. Please explain to me how adhering to the rules and standards I set for myself and others makes me a freaking hypocrite. I'm dying to hear this. Or better yet, do all of this publicly and hoist me on my own rhetorical petard for all to see.
I'm begging you to.
Have you read it? Pretty good stuff, huh? Now normally I'd refute a discursive diatribe such as this with a point by point blogging technique known as fisking (see the linked examples in the first sentence of this post) but did you actually read the entirety of that disjointed screed? I counted almost four dozen exclamation points that were entirely original to the post itself, but in Don's defense he only went bold-faced type less than half a dozen times (restraint, thy name is Donald). Just consider yourself lucky that indignant, high-speed spittle can't travel digitally or else you and your keyboard would be considerably flecked with neoconservative foam at this point.
For those who might be confused by certain sections of Don's invective, while I'm obviously not gay I do advocate for gay rights on this site and in the comment section of Don's blog. I mention this because some of you might be wondering about the seemingly randomly attempted slur Don tries to impart to me by mentioning some gay Asian dude in relation to my site. Regular readers know that I'm a self-proclaimed atheist (something Don considers an affront to his one true god, apparently) and I have a link to the OUT Campaign in the right-hand column of this site. Anyone who's an atheist can join and add their site to the blogroll there, so Don found himself a gay Asian linking at the same site and has made an online hobby out of trying to smear me, in his eyes, by attempting to conflate our respective sexual preferences.
You see, to people like Don who are uncomfortable around gay people (despite desperately transparent protestations like: "some of my best friends are...") and are vehemently dedicated to denying homosexuals the same rights afforded to every other member of American society, calling another man, or even just intimating (in his own admittedly clumsy and rhetorically fumbling manner) that that man is gay, is an insult of the highest order. I myself understand this mindset better than most: I was born and raised in Texas. I recognize the sound of a bar stool being kicked back by some roided-up tough guy at the mere questioning of his sexual preferences better than I know my own mother's voice, and Don's own puffed-up chest and masculine insecurities would indeed reserve himself a primo spot at that theoretical shit-kicker bar. Shots are on me, Don (like a shot in your fucking mouth, you gay bitch!). Triple points to whomever gets that hilarious, yet highly relevant, movie quote.
So I guess that's it for my riposte to Don's meandering thrust (settle down, guy!) over my admittedly meager challenge to his intellectual prowess (I was at a bar with some friends earlier tonight and have just now started my second bottle of Chardonnay since arriving home). I suppose that many of you were pining for a bit more rhetorical blood lust but come on: it's Don Douglas! I consider all of this back and forth shot-trading to be merely good sport and fine entertainment, for those who are even interested. Also, I have it on good authority from a family member of his that he has considerable emotional baggage, for which I genuinely pity him and those around him.
Chin up, Don. I'm sure that you're far more intellectually resilient and emotionally stable than you appear online. God's speed (and by "God" I mean an impossibly powerful, imaginary character you like to believe is looking out for you and everyone you care about in this world, despite any and all empirical evidence to the contrary)... Have I mentioned that I'm an atheist? Aw, just accuse me of being a "godless nihilist" in a good-natured fashion once again and we'll call it even. Deal? Kisses...
[Update: How can I claim to be a soulless, socialistic atheist without shamelessly promoting any and every portrayal of myself online?

[Update II: Don delivers yet another masterstroke of rhetorical brilliance by...well, I guess by just calling me gay again only now I seem to have much better abs (and barely a dozen exclamation points; Don, I get the feeling that you're not even trying to over-punctuate anymore, although you do still loves yourself some bold-faced caps, huh?). From his scathing follow-up post "James "Barebacker" Webb":

He's also claimed to have unearthed another instance of egregious hypocrisy on my part by (only just now) pointing out that I address him by the shortened sobriquet "Don" whilst light-heartedly insisting that he include my middle initial when addressing me by my full name (I chose the "B" myself). Funny, it's just that after calling him Don hundreds, perhaps thousands, of times up to this point you'd think that he'd have mentioned it before and in Don's defense he and pretty much everyone else I've encountered online have always referred to me as "JBW" as that is how I sign my various posts and comments. He's only recently started to refer to me more formally, ostensibly because he no longer considers himself my "homie" anymore. It would appear that the man crush has ended, Truth101. Single tear...]
[Update III: It now seems that conservative and frequent commenter at Don's site Stogie from Saberpoint has purchased his own ticket to board Don's crazy train (or "joined the debate", as Don inadvertently jokes) by questioning the subtitle of my site and my self-identification as a Libertarian-Socialist (which, somewhat ironically, is what caused Don to first leave a comment on Brain Rage oh so long ago. Ah, memories *sniff*).
Now in Stogie's post "Jimmy B. Webb: What's a Libertarian-Socialist?" he not only has made a devastating photoshop stating quite imaginatively that "Socialism is for losers" but he then...wait a minute. I've seen your profile, you're a cartoon dog with a cigar! Who do I look like, Joe Camel? I can take being called gay by a pudgy community college prof but trading barbs with cancer-ridden, cartoon canines is where I draw the line. Good day to you, sir!]
Touchy, meet touché.
I doubt Dr. Douglas will ever really understand how unintentionally funny he is to many of those who read his words. If he did, he would remove that post and then set fire to his hard drive to destroy the evidence.
(Easy Donald... "Hard drive" isn't some kinda sly implication that you're a homo, stud. I still remember the last time you inferred that I was calling you a "gay fag." It wasn't pretty for anyone involved--least of all, your dignity.)
Thanks, Reppy and Philippe.
I also doubt that Don will ever absorb the truly entertaining aspects of his online personality. One can only hope that others learn by his oblivious example.
If Donald Douglas did not exist, it would be necessary for bloggers to invent him.
I like to think that Don is wholly unique, Ben JB. Kind of like the froth on your morning latte: Supposedly rich and full of substance, yet obviously mostly empty air.
I don't know, JBW: you can put a PhD on pig-ignorance, but it's still pig-ignorance.
It all reminds me of a chapter of Twain's Connecticut Yankee, where the Yankee tries to show 6th-century people that wages (in kingdom X) are worth less because the goods on sale there are more expensive than elsewhere. The 6th-century people don't get it, and Donald seems similarly trapped in the past. It's entertaining but occasionally frustrating.
Yes, Donald came off a bit unhinged there. I think he was a upset by the Michael Jackson news, so maybe we should cut him some slack!
Good stuff, all around
Ben JB
I think you mean, Just cause a you put a Phd on pig-ignorance....doesnt mean it will fly"....?
Cheers, fellas
Don't you have to have a brain before it can rage?
So you'r a "libertarian socialist"? That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one, since socialism and liberty are mutually exclusive.
As for Sinclair Lewis on fascism, do you even know what fascism is? If you did, you would see it in the America that Obama is trying to construct. Try reading "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg; maybe you will learn something.
Ha ha! Somehow, I was able to shake Douglas off and get him to stop stalking me awhile ago. Looks like you haven't been so lucky. Not that I can give you any advice as to how I got rid of him, as he just vanished. In fact, I'm slightly worried that I drove him so crazy that he just went underground and has something really sucky planned for me.
But it's nice to not see him pointlessly linking to my blog with nonsensical insults that his commenters mindlessly agree with. I'd sit there reading his post a few times trying to figure out why he linked to me, before concluding that he was just a big weirdo who was obsessed with me. And yeah, I've been smeared with his odd definition of "hypocrite" more than a few times. I have a hard time believing that dude owns a dictionary, yet he's proven it to me many times by quoting from it. Comprehension is definitely not his strong suit.
Oddly, he's never accused me of being gay, which is just about the only thing he HASN'T accused me of. Perhaps that's just because I don't have a picture of myself for him to get all hot and bothered about. Thank god for that!
Stogie: Look, I don't even argue with folks anymore about who and what is fascistic. Because both sides have points. You need to read American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America by Chris Hedges. He nails the fundamentalists to the proverbial cross, and exposes them.
But Fascism, Nazism, whatever, are all pretty much allied by their hatred of liberal thought.
Dr. B, are you saying that I look gay in my picture? And is that a compliment? I mean, I try to stay in shape...
And in Don's defense, I did pretty much dare him to call me a hypocrite, although the crazy rambling was his idea.
Glad you like my stuff, Stogie. Thanks for commenting!
Thanks, cracker.
Ben JB, I stopped being frustrated by Don a long time ago. I'm in it now purely for the entertainment value.
Though I don't think you meant it that way, I just dig the "Jesus Sheeples" line from the update... Has that "Christ on a cracker!" feel to it... (No offense, Cracker. I don't mean to imply that you--or Christ--is gay.)
I may just use that from now on... ...or until I get bored of it, whichever comes first.
"Jesus Sheeples, Don, give it a friggin' rest!!"
Ok... I think I'm done with it.
I wonder if Don misses me now?
This comment humbly submitted by Truth 101.
Christ on a cracker...
Don & his pointy little buddy really need to stop adding fuel to their own funny fire pyre...
I haven't laughed so hard in a good long time, and my abs ain't used to it...
Allah bless Don for making it so much fun, repsac. Keep laughing and maybe you'll have abs like my apparent new gay buddy Don posted. Shred yourself with humor.
JBW, taking on a certified doctor of polisci and a cigar smoking cartoon dog. You're a better man than I, Gunga Din.
BTW, the misspelling of amateur on Don's sign is a nice touch. I don't think he's ever had a post without at least one misspelling. You don't think he'll mind if I call him Don, too, do you?
Shorten Don's name at your own risk, ex DLB. His wrath (and apparently his sanity as well, after these recent displays) knows no bounds.
I made a comment on Don's blog after all these shenanigans. Wow! You guys are too much! I tried to defend you brotha.
JBW - I'm not saying your picture is gay, merely that I could understand how someone like Donald could get confused by the "come hither partyboy" look you have in that photo and have it play too major of a role in their bizarre fantasy life. That's all. I find the brain in jar look to be much safer. Anything that drives Douglas further insane is a bad thing, imo.
Oh, and he DEFINITELY has issues with Texans. Somehow, I'm a "Texas slimed polecat" for living in Austin, which has to be one of the odder insults I've ever encountered. That's why I like to taunt him for not living in flyover country, because I'm sure it chaps his hide that he's not a "real" American like me. I'm just glad I'm not in the same state as him, as I really do have concerns about his sanity.
"Come hither partyboy look", huh Dr. B? LOL! Wanna hear something funny? I'm actually holding an infant in that pick. But to your credit she is wearing a tiny tuxedo t-shirt, 'cause it says like, "I want to be formal, but I'm here to party too." I like to party, so I like my infants to party.
JWB, you are the man. Making light of the "Professor" is too easy to be praiseworthy, but inspiring him to this levels self-ridicule is an accomplishment to be proud of. I would suggest that you keep up the good work, but the "Professor" is so helpless and pathetic it wouldn't be sporting. It's just not nice to engage in a battle of the wits with the unarmed.
Appreciate the praise, TOD. I'd feel bad about goading him on if he hadn't attacked me personally, but that's how the psyche crumbles, I guess.
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