Friday, April 10, 2009

Teabagging Day Will Soon Be Upon Us

Show your disapproval for the Obama administration's supposed incredibly irresponsible spending over the last three months (and most definitely not for the Bush administration's well-documented incredibly irresponsible spending over the last eight goddamn years) by showing up on a random street corner in your town with a bunch of other conservative hypocrites this April 15th for a good old-fashioned American teabagging party (I hear tell that Thomas Jefferson's balls were extra vinegary).

Our forefathers teabagged the British to protest taxation without representation while these modern protests are against the obviously equal sin of returning the 36% tax rate for the richest Americans to the Clinton era rate of *shudder* 39%. The right-wing outrage is understandably virulent:


[Update: Andrew Sullivan adds this observation:

...I guess I should be happy at this phenomenon. And I would be if it had any intellectual honesty, any positive proposals, and any recognizable point. What it looks like to me is some kind of amorphous, generalized rage on the part of those who were used to running the country and now don't feel part of the culture at all. But the only word for that is: tantrum.

These are not tea-parties. They are tea-tantrums. And the adolescent, unserious hysteria is a function not of a movement regrouping and refinding itself. It's a function of a movement's intellectual collapse and a party's fast-accelerating nervous breakdown.

The saddest thing is that on April 16th these people are going to find themselves in the exact same spot they're in now, with no new ideas and no competent leadership. And the trek through the political wilderness continues...]

[Update II: Here's a taste of the tea party rhetoric we can look forward to on April 15th (skip to 2:00 for the good crazy):

"Burn the books!" Jesus...]


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that one, JBW. I think it's too late though, the Obama brain wash machine already got me. I'm hoping to merchandise my way back to reality. Damn commies! I knew about their 5 year plans, but not the 50 year plan.

Some real good crazy there.

one L bill said...

Let it be known that I got your teabag reference.