Saturday, January 24, 2009

Something Someone Else Said

"Listen, I think the world of Governor Palin. ... Look, whenever there's a losing campaign, there's always a little bit of back and forth that happens postmortem. Uh, look, I'm so grateful to have her as a friend. ... I think she has a big role to play [in the GOP]. ... But let me just say, I don't know who’s running and all that, but I will always be grateful to Sarah Palin for her friendship and her strong principles and leadership," -John McCain, asked if he would support his 2008 running mate for president in 2012

A ringing endorsement if ever there was one. Please run her. Please?


Van Zan said...

No. Please. Not the GOP's Miss South Carolina 2007.
There is only so much cringing you can do before you start to feel sick.

JBW said...

Name me one other viable, potential Republican candidate who has the potential to fail as miserably as she, VZ.

Van Zan said...

Well it's a delicate point JBW...
Of course I want Obama to be re-elected. Securely.
But it would be an affirmation of all that is good and wise in America if it were against a credible candidate - rather than against a certified nincompoop.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Celebrity is a major force in who wins national elections. The only bigger two republican celebrities than the divine Sarah are arnold Schwartzenegger and Rush Limbaugh. Arnold can't run for president. Rush is too fat and lazy. That leaves Sarah to appeal to the republican base of bigots, idiots and morons that think Sarah will show them her naughty parts if she gets elected. No worries on the Democratix front in 2012 Brothers. Relax.

JBW said...

I agree with you that an exciting election filled with vigorous debate and ending in a dramatic Obama victory would be great for democracy VZ but having worked in politics I can tell you that a solid easy win is always preferable to a knock down, drag out nail biter and until the Republican party gets their act together and returns to actual conservative ideals rather than just running on fear, war, an unchecked free market and "God hates fags" I don't want them having any possible shot at gaining power again. They need to wander in the wilderness for a while for the good of their party, as well as this country.

T101, if the Repubs decide not to go with Palin, who is clearly their most famous viable candidate as you said, I think we'll see them positioning their choice on the American stage and in the media within the next couple of years. If they want any kind of shot at 2012 they'll have to start grooming someone to run relatively soon and I hope it'll be Palin: she just has such great train wreck potential.

Van Zan said...

Totally agree a few terms in the wilderness would do them good JBW, but it's not all high-minded ideals on my part, JBW, it's grim survival... a credible candidate is also one that is less likely to be dangerous even if elected.
Imagine if there wasn't such a positive Democrat candidate as Obama.. and McCain had scraped in, had a stroke 12 months later and left Palin in charge? You could've kissed your country goodbye in that event. Her administration would have made Dubbya look like intelligent politics. I don't want to have to rely on the capacity of someone like Palin to self-destruct.
They've got three or so years to teach her to have one talking-point per paragraph and not to use words she doesn't understand. I don't want to discover how many idiots she could win over.

JBW said...

I hear you VZ, I guess I just consider her idiocy as too large of an obstacle to overcome with flash cards and geography lessons. She seems to lack innate intelligence and curiosity to such a degree that I just don't see her as a legitimate threat on her own but I suppose it is always best not to misunderestimate her.

Anonymous said...

You guys all want Obama re-elected as of 6 days into his presidency... we'll see how you feel when he orders the House painted black!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sadly, this economy really sucks and it's getting worse. That could work against Obama. It didn't work against Reagan though so we have some history on our side.

What helps Republicans (hurts America) is their party discipline. The big shots get behind one person, either Jindal or Palin because she would be easily controlled like Bush, money is no object. A big media blitz lasting two or three years and they've created a candidate who's viable to the bigots, idiots and narrow minded single issue voters.

I don't know if you're political activities are local like mine or on a bigger stage JBW. But I'm sure you know there are two things you can't fight. Poverty and stupidity. Republicans are experts at exploiting that.

Anonymous said...

You guys all want Obama re-elected as of 6 days into his presidency... we'll see how you feel when he orders the House painted black!

Yes, we all want Obama's presidency to be so successful, and dare I say competent, that he is re-elected. And, since he even kept Bush's gauche, yellow rug, I doubt he's going to be painting the White House black anytime soon. Is that something Rush Dimbulb is spouting?

JBW said...

Relax, DLB. one L bill=bil= my brother-in-law. I would wager that he's serious about the 6 days thing but he's just fucking with you about the House.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, JBW and one L. Though I suspect you're just upset that I don't like the yellow rug.

cracker said...

I heard Nancy Reagan called her a "Bimbo"