Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Punisher Truth

My thoughts exactly:

[Does anyone really like the Punisher?] He has a paper-thin motivation and his way of exorcising his internal demons has none of the panache of someone like Batman. Yet, he gets relaunched in comics time and time again and has (bad) movies made of him while other more worthy characters (Flash, Green Lantern, Thor) get stuck in development hell.
This guy is completely one-note; his comics are pretty much unreadable and movies are hardly ever as good as the comics. I predict that the only people getting punished this holiday weekend are going to be those damn fools who pay $10.50 to see the new Punisher flick: zing!


Anonymous said...

Thor, Nick Fury and Ant-Man are all slated for 2010 releases, setting up an Avengers movie in 2011.

JBW said...

The Iron Man and Incredible Hulk flicks make blatant allusions to the Avengers flick; as was quoted, Thor sounds like a good bet (unless they go with Pitt, which I've heard rumors about) and Fury is a bad-ass (excusing the horrible Hasselhoff flick from the nineties) but Ant-Man sounds like a loser. Still looking forward to the Avengers, though.

Van Zan said...

Never liked the character previously....
I might have said The Punisher is like Cheney in his ethical vacuity, except that he can shoot straight.

But Ray Stevenson is a fine actor. If you haven't seen the two season mini series called "Rome", which Stevenson is in, I highly recommend it. It's not exactly what happened, but it's a humanly complex story of the nature of power and corruption.
Because Stevenson hasn't done junk so far, that I know of, and because I like action movies, I might give this a go.

Green Lantern could be done as a stylized living comicbook but Thor is a more intriguing project to me. I'd love to see that.

JBW said...

VZ, I haven't seen Rome but I studied ancient Rome extensively in college and I've heard good things.

I think we've achieved a level of technological advancement that Green Lantern could become a good looking movie with the write director but Thor seems like a longer shot to me.

Van Zan said...

Interesting discovery in northern Germany recently of a 3rd century Roman battle site, which may challenge the established view of the Empire's limits at that time...

Have a Green Lantern comic somewhere that's probably a collector's item now...
There's a great story in there wherein his counterpart on a parallel Earth fights crime all day and then comes home exhausted to find his own apartment has been burgled. He lashes out and commands his ring to remove all evil from the world....
He disappears and so does everyone on the planet.
'Our' Green Lantern travels to Earth II and helps fix things but the message is that everyone has evil in them and it's not 'the world' that has to be set right, so much as what is within us.
It spun me out as a kid.

Anonymous said...

Can we get a little love for Prince Namor?

I do think Green Lantern would be great, as well.

Anonymous said...

The same folks who got me hooked on The Shield and Lost have also vouched for Rome.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

No matter how good a remake of Green lantern is, it will always pale because nobody will ever have the presence of Bruce Lee. The baddest man to ever walk planet Earth. Go ahead and try to name the guy who played Green Lantern on the tv show

Van Zan said...

Truth 101,

Are sure you aren't confusing the Green Lantern with the Green Hornet?

If you were making a joke, please disregard.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I knew that. I think I was confused after reading one of the Nutty Professor Douglas' mind numbingly long posts that Brain Rager's conciseness left me confused. Thanks for watching out for me Van Zan